Spring is in the air, the days are getting longer, Easter is round the corner and so soon we can meet with friends and family again - it feels so strange to even say that! I imagine many of you will have had your vaccine - I had mine last weekend - and it definitely feels like there is hope on the horizon.



I know I have been very lucky but even so it has felt like a long year, full of uncertainty for everyone, and one where it has been all too easy for one day to be rather like the one before! I don't know about you but sometimes it has felt hard to find inspiration .. if so hopefully some of the new recipes I have added to the website might come in handy - delicious Braised Celeriac (picture above from plant based chef Fran of @fransfoodstories), Sea Bream CarpaccioOven Roasted Cherry Tomatoes with Camembert, and as Easter Sunday happens to fall on International Carrot Day(!) this year what could be more appropriate as an Easter cake than a delicious Olive Oil Carrot Cake - it is really good and you know where to come if you need to top up your olive oil supplies!




How about spoiling someone at Easter - if you aren't going to be seeing them in person then we can be your Easter bunny and send it to them with a message from you. Please make sure you order by Wednesday if you are wanting something to arrive before Easter.





Some of you may have already seen our Instagram GIVEAWAY with the lovely Sherwood & Bailey. As the clocks change this weekend, and with lunches in the garden with friends and family on the horizon, we thought we would give one lucky person the chance to win a few of the ingredients to make your table extra special! You could win a wonderful block print tablecloth of your choice, along with a bottle each of our delicious Fino Olive Oil, Fino Chilli Oil, our Dark and White Balsamics, and a jar each of our Chilli and Chorizo Jams - just head to @fino_oliveoil to enter - the winner will be announced on Sunday evening. Please accept my apologies if you do not have Instagram and therefore aren't able to take part.

Wishing you all a very happy Easter.

Susie x

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