OUR CUSTOMERS COME FIRST - We bring you exceptional tasting products and a friendly, helpful and personal shopping experience. Our aim is to exceed your expectations every time you choose Fino.

WE'RE DOWN-TO-EARTH, HONEST AND FRIENDLY - We’re open to feedback and are always looking for ways to improve.

PROVENANCE AND QUALITY ARE KING - Great quality ingredients make a world of difference which is why we source fantastic quality for all Fino products. We lived in a whitewashed Andaluz village called Casarabonela, in a region renowned for great quality olive oils. Generations of families here have grown olives for centuries, each year tending them with care, harvesting them and then contributing them to the village pressing.

THE STORY MATTERS - Our products are evocative of our time spent living in Andalucía and through them we share the story of our Spanish adventure. By choosing Fino you join us on our journey and become part of our extended Fino family.

A PERSONAL BUSINESS - Everyone we work with we know personally - living in the village we got to know many of the locals and we have a fantastic relationship with Rafael and the team at the cooperativa. Since discovering the wonderful balsamics we have had several visits to Montilla and love time spent at the bodega with Miguel and Lourdes. We have long standing relationships with our trade customers, and we know the names and faces of many of our loyal customers.

WE VALUE A COMMUNITY EXPERIENCE - Fino is a reflection of a community of people who care, from the farmers and harvesters to the community of customers who support Fino.

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