I took this lovely sunny photo looking over the Andalucian hills, from the village towards the sea, when I was in Spain a year ago and feel it is so appropriate to share now as February 28th is El Dia De Andalucia, or Andalucia Day - this day marks the anniversary of Andalucia becoming an independent community within Spain and is a public holiday there, so surely at Fino we must mark the day too! It was our adventure living in these Andalucian hills all those years ago that inspired me to set up Fino, and bring our delicious Andalucian Olive Oil and Balsamics back here to share with you.

I would love to be out there now enjoying the winter sunshine but I am not. My latest order however is STILL there six weeks later, and I am STILL going through the rigmarole of trying to negotiate the system of importing post Brexit! It really does seem to be like the blind leading the blind - every day I cross my fingers and hope we are getting closer. In the meantime we are carrying on as normal, so to celebrate El Dia De Andalucia, just for 28th February add ANDALUCIA at the checkout to get 10% off everything (except the already discounted multiples of tins) and hopefully we won't run out!

On a very happy note spring is definitely springing. The sunshine this week has been so heavenly, and after the really cold spell it has been positively balmy. The mud is definitely beginning to dry thank goodness, and I have walked for miles with the dogs. With weather like we have here today, and the warmth of the sun on your face it just makes you want to smile. I planted up these beautiful baby daffs yesterday to bring some colour in to the kitchen - I love them.

While it is so springlike It is also particularly appropriate to let you know that for the next three weeks I am taking part in the Online Spring Fair - like the Online Summer Fair, and the Online Christmas Fair which I was involved in last year this is a hub of fantastic independent producers all with wonderful wares and great offers for you to check out - there is just one offer code which works across all the brands so to get this, and have a browse head to the website which launches on Monday.

Sticking with the Andalucian theme this Spanish Bean Stew is very typical of a dish that would be cooked up in many a Spanish kitchen - it's wholesome, filling, simple and delicious, so pretty perfect in my book. Give it a try.

Hope you have a happy weekend.

Susie x


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