Some of you may remember that in January I wrote just after saying goodbye to our gorgeous Emily who moved to Sydney - amazingly that is now eleven months ago and she is settled and having a great time for which I am so happy, but there is no getting away from the fact that Australia is a very long way away. Having last seen her on January 9th we are now counting down the days until December 19th when we will be together again, meeting in South Africa for what will I am sure be a fab christmas, and two lovely weeks together. I literally cannot wait to see her and give her a great big hug, although I might have to restrain myself a bit as she's not as in to hugs as I am!!

I just had to share this as it made me smile and laugh! A few weeks ago I sent an advent candle out to Em in Sydney, and gave an identical one to Ben and Eliza to have in London. The first photo was sent on our family Whats App from Sydney this morning with the caption "The countdown is on!" The second has just been sent from London saying "Screwed it up already!" Well at least the 19th is not so far away!

This year has been a great one for Fino thanks to you lovely customers who keep coming back for more, and to lots of wonderful new ones too. Without you we would be nowhere. Also getting another 3 STAR Great Taste Award for our DARK BALSAMIC (CREMA), and subsequently winning the GREAT TASTE GOLDEN FORK FROM SPAIN AWARD was a huge highlight (despite the fact that I had never even heard of it before, let alone dreamt of it!) Rupert looks rather startled but look how happy I am! 

It's been a brilliant one and I have loved it as I always do, but it is so exciting to see the light of our family reunion shining brighter and brighter at the end of the tunnel now. So this is a heads up that I will be hanging up my boots for Christmas on Friday 15th December so if there is anything you need or want from Fino please do make sure you order before then.

We have two more fairs this weekend, and one next week so the countdown really is on. As a final fling there is 10% off the 500ml bottles of White Balsamic (Blanco) and 500ml bottles of The Village Olive Oil this weekend - use code SOUTHAFRICA at the checkout if you want to take advantage.


THANK YOU THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for all your support - it means more than you know. I hope you all have a very happy and peaceful christmas and please keep loving Fino!


Susie x

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