Every year when I first hear the “C” word mentioned on the radio, normally in about September, I can’t help but smile to myself when people say they have already done all their Christmas shopping! Not only that but every year there are people who ring in saying they did all their Christmas shopping in the January sales! Surely not? Each to their own but that is definitely not me and maybe not you either. 


This is generally the time of year when the heat turns up on Christmas shopping - people have definitely been more focused on presents at the fairs this week. If very normally you still have a number of presents to tick off your list please let us help. For your granny, uncle, aunt, best friend, colleague, gardner, kind neighbour, in-laws, grown up godchildren, sons, daughters, husbands or wives, and just about anyone else you can think of, one of our Gift Boxes could be the answer - it might even be worth having one in your “present drawer” which can be produced when plans change and Uncle Jim and Aunt Flo suddenly join you unexpectedly on Christmas Day! Why not take advantage of 10% off our Two Bottle Gift Boxes this weekend by using code CHRISTMAS2023 - I will do my best to get orders sent out as quickly as possible (I do hope you have seen the note on the website re the jams which are being restocked first week of December) but please do forgive me if it is not necessarily the normal next day service.


In "Bake Off" this week they were making sausage rolls and it reminded me how completely delicious they are, especially when they’re home made. Funnily enough I really remember being taught to make Sausage Plait (basically a giant sausage roll) in "cookery" at school when I was about 12, and I remember proudly taking the finished article home where we all had it for supper - it was actually really good. I have made it so many times since with a variety of fillings and it's always great, and just really good comfort food. These Pork Cranberry and Sage Sausage Rollswere made by my lovely friend Viv who has been here helping me for a couple of days (thank you Viv) - she also very kindly made this delicious Spinach and Ricotta Pie - yum!

A quick heads up re Christmas deliveries - our last day for orders for christmas delivery is Thursday 14th December. Orders placed after that will go out in the new year.

Get shopping!

Susie x

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