Rather grey and wet weather is the perfect prompt for delicious warming soup and a day cosied up at home, followed by an evening watching the rugby - that's my day today.

There's nothing nicer than a bowl of homemade soup - it is true comfort food - wholesome and very very simple, and doesn't cost too much to make either - we've just had this this Leek & Potato Soup for lunch and it was yummy. Great topped with a handful of homemade croutons for "crunch". 


I have already had the pleasure of seeing some of you on my travels, and will hopefully see many more of you at one of the 23 fairs I still have between now and Christmas!!! It might feel slightly daunting now, but I have been really busy in Global HQ which is now heaving with stock so I'm up for it, and being out and about, meeting customers face to face is one of the real pleasures of what I do. Next outing is the wonderful Hungerford Fair next Friday and Saturday (27th/28th) at The Town Hall - it's always one of my favourite fairs, and they always have the most delicious homemade soup!

If you're not able to make this, or one of other the fairs then as always everything is available online, and you can use COMEONENGLAND at the checkout this weekend to get 10% off most things.


Last night we went to see "Dear England" at the theatre which was fantastic. It is the story of Gareth Southgate and the England football team, and despite not really having a personal interest in football I absolutely loved it - it was a brilliant mix of funny but moving too, with a very strong message about how learning to lose can be a great step in the journey towards success - it was really poignant. On that note what will tonight's rugby bring? Come on England!! 

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