So I said I would let you know what happened at The Golden Fork Awards which took place in the most beautiful room at Battersea Arts Centre on Monday evening. Of the 248 winners of a 3 STAR Great Taste Award, 36 had been nominated for a Golden Fork Award, and of them 25 had been invited to the event to host a tasting station for all the attendees which included any number of the great and good of the food world - chefs, journalists, food writers, buyers, producers, judges – there were about 300 of them. Fino was one and as I said in my last mailshot I was really nervous, although Rupert did come with me for moral support which was so lovely.



It was such an amazing event, brilliantly hosted by The Guild of Fine Food - what a massive feat of organization. 13 Golden Forks Awards, and then from them the Supreme Champion 2023. With each new award the tension was building, as were my nerves – each one began with the three contenders being announced, followed by a long pause before the big reveal – when it finally got to The Golden Fork from Spain my heart was beating so fast – it was high drama with music adding to the suspense, and then finally the announcement “and the winner of The Golden Fork from Spain is Fino for Fino Dark Balsamic (Crema)”. OMG WOW WOW WOW! What a moment. Here is the moment of the announcement



Who ever would have thought when we headed off on our Spanish adventure in 2003, with children aged 11, 9 and 7, that this would happen. I am so grateful to Rupert for encouraging us to have an adventure, to all my family for supporting me with Fino over the past 16 years, to Bodegas Navarro who produce the wonderful Dark Balsamic, to The Guild of Fine Food for championing small artisan food businesses as they do, and to all of you, my wonderful customers without whom Fino would be nothing. I am hugely proud, and this award is the most massive affirmation of the quality of the product which we are lucky enough to have as part of the Fino offering. Keep enjoying it.



In celebration I am offering 10% off our winning aged Dark Balsamic (Crema) until the end of the weekend - just use WINNER at the checkout.


Heads up that my fair season kicks off next week with Knepp Castle Gift Fair in Sussex, followed by The Early Early Christmas Fair the following week, and then 7 more (Surrey, Hampshire, Buckinghamshire, Sussex, London, Essex, Gloucestershire) in the following two weeks! All my fairs are listed on the website- please do come along and support some fantastic charities – I will certainly look forward to seeing you.


Susie xx

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