Wow! There is more good news – I am learning first hand how the Great Taste operation works.

In 2023 just over 14,000 products from across the world were entered in to the Great Taste Awards – of those, 248 products were awarded 3 STARS, one of which is our Dark Balsamic (Crema). What I was not aware of until now is that all the 3 STAR products then go through a further judging process to be in the running for a Golden Fork Award, and ultimately one wins the highest accolade of Great Taste Supreme Champion. 

Right now I am still trying to digest the news that the Fino Dark Balsamic (Crema) has been nominated for a Golden Fork Award, but I’m also trying to get my head around the fact that I now have to attend the awards ceremony in September. I really want to shout out a huge thank you to the great team at Bodegas Navarro who have been producing this amazing product for over 150 years. Without them this would not be happening.

Those of you who have met me probably think of me as being really confident – I am one to one, and I love chatting with all you gorgeous customers at the fairs, but I am also incredibly happy working on my own in Global HQ, listening to the radio or a podcast, and as you know I love my walks with my doggies. Being nominated for an award is of course a real honour, but the awards ceremony is way beyond my comfort zone, and I haven’t necessarily even won an award! I am slightly dreading the whole thing. I love what I do but what matters to me more than anything is my happy customers – knowing people love Fino products means so much, and a happy customer is by far the best advert so thank you so much to all of you for your support.

Blackberry season is here again – one of my favourite times of year – this Blackberry & Balsamic Chicken makes a perfect seasonal supper, and of course it's all the better for the Dark Balsamic! If you don’t have any, or would like more of anything Fino then do use code BLACKBERRY to get 10% off everything this weekend (excluding multiples of tins).

I’ll update you on the Golden Forks once it’s happened but in the meantime "Come on the Lionesses"!!

Susie x

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