It's so easy in these strange times to even forget what day of the week it is. We worked out last night that it has been twelve weeks and one day since the children arrived home - it has been such a treat having them here with us, but I know it's not great for them in their twenties, and they are understandably craving their own space. Let's be honest, wouldn't everyone love a change of scene! Right now, although I am sitting writing this, I am so excited as everyone has gone to visit Granny, and I have got an evening on my own. It is SO peaceful, even the dogs are fast asleep!

One thing I wanted to let you all know about is the amazing Online Summer Fair - it is a collaboration of over 50 independent businesses, and their wonderful products under one virtual "roof" and it is running throughout June. There's everything you could want and more, and in addition each business has a special offer but all with the same offer code - ONLINESUMMERFAIR - it is definitely worth having a peek at the website to check out some fantastic small brands, all offering something unique - just click here and you never know what you might find. Don't forget to enter the code to get 10% off nearly everything with Fino. Perhaps some delicious Fino Chorizo Jam (now finally back in stock!), or a bottle of scrummy Fino Extra Virgin Olive Oil or Balsamic could be the perfect pressie for Father's Day next weekend, or maybe you just want it for yourself.

I thought you might like this simple recipe for Strawberry and White Balsamic Sorbet- being strawberry season it is obviously perfect for this time of year, the catch is that you definitely need White Balsamic but we can help you there! Ben made it this week and it really is delicious. Great as a pudding, or a perfect palate cleanser. You don't need a lot - this would definitely serve 6


2 punnets ripe strawberries, 4 tbsp Fino White Balsamic, 100g granulated sugar

Hull and quarter the strawberries and place in a kilner jar or a measuring jug (something quite deep) with four tablespoons of Fino White Balsamic and the sugar. Mix it up to make sure that the strawberries are covered by the liquid. Put in the fridge for at least four hours, then give it a quick whizz in a blender so it is smooth. If you have an ice cream maker you can use that, but if you don't just place the mixture in a tupperware and freeze, removing and mixing it every half an hour or so to bring the frozen edges into the middle, until it is the desired consistency - this is what we did and it took about 4 hours. Your sorbet should now be ready to eat!  

Stay safe and well, and happy shopping all! 

Susie x

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