Daffodils have to be my favourite flowers - they never fail to make me feel cheery.  In the past couple of weeks, when I have been walking Fizzy and Billie, I have noticed the odd daffodil beginning to flower, and last weekend I bought my first daffodils of the year so my kitchen table is now looking bright and beautiful!  This weekend Rupert and I are off to Spain for a couple of days and at this time of year, the narcissi which grow wild in the fields there are incredible, and their smell is even more unbelievable! Can't wait.

We have been on a health kick for the last few weeks. Fortunately extra virgin olive oil is included in the foods we should be eating!  One thing I have taken to doing as a really quick and healthy meal is Courgetti - I am quite certain lots of you have already discovered it but for those of you who haven't it is so easy, and very inexpensive - all you need is a courgette which you turn into "etti" either using some sort of "etti" machine like a spiralizer, or if all else fails just do it yourself by slicing really thinly lengthwise (or you can buy it ready done in a supermarket!) When you have the raw courgetti you can either steam for literally a minute or, even better in my opinion, sauté with Fino Olive Oil in a frying pan over a gentle heat.  I add some ginger, chilli and garlic but you could add prawns (how is it I have only just discovered that you can cook prawns from frozen - great tip!) or you could make a tomato sauce to have on top.  It's yum.

As it’s February I thought I would show a little bit of love and kindness by way of a Fab Feb Special Offer – between now and 14th February you can purchase a 2.5 litre tin of Fino Olive Oil (with bottle for decanting), a 250ml Fino Dark Balsamic, a 250ml Fino White Balsamic and 3 chrome pourers for just £47.25 including FREE delivery (a saving of £19) – just click this link to order - http://finooliveoil.co.uk/product/fab-feb-special-offer/ - you would be mad not to!

Enjoy the daffodils


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