Firstly a big thank you to all you loyal Fino customers who have helped make 2015 a great year.

Lots of you are often complimentary about the recipes I have on the website . For me simplicity is key so these "nibbles" fit the bill perfectly, and to make them extra simple I have used canapé cups which are brilliant (alternatively use bruschetta for the savoury ones and if you are being perfect you could make your own pastry for the mincepies!)  It really is as simple as making the filling and spooning a tiny amount in to the pastry case - it's a 2 minute job so could prove invaluable if you have a houseful at christmas - here I have made three types - two savoury (Broad Bean and Pea, and Beetroot) and one sweet (Mincemeat) - but you could do any number of different fillings - Chicken Liver Pate, Babaganoush, Smoked Mackerel Pate .......

Broad Bean and Pea Dip

Put a handful of frozen broad beans and a handful of frozen peas in a pan and with boiling water and cook for a couple of minutes - drain and then whizz in a blender with some salt, pepper and a good glug of Fino olive oil.

Beetroot Dip

Chop 3 or 4 beetroot (vacuum packed are fine) in half and drizzle with olive oil and rock salt - oven roast at 180C for about 20 mins  - when soft whizz in a blender until smooth - it is the most beautiful colour and also has a delicious sweetness.  Add a dash of Fino dark balsamic if you want to make them extra special.

2-minute Mince Pies

Simply put a spoon of mincemeat in to a canapé cup and then quickly warm for a couple of minutes in the oven at 180C.

Some things really can be done very quickly and simply, so although December is here panic not - if you need something for yourself, or you need a present, it really is as simple as this - YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND - just click here http://finooliveoil.co.uk/product-category/all-fino-products/ to place your wish, and leave the rest to me - do contact me if you want anything gift wrapped and sent direct - I am very happy to help - between now and 11th December all orders over £45 to one address will be delivered FREE.

Wishing you all a very happy christmas


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