What a great duo lemon and olive oil are – as staples in so many dishes, or on their own, there is no denying they are delicious together. What better way to start the day than a breakfast of crusty baguette with Fino extra virgin olive oil, freshly squeezed lemon juice and a pinch of sea salt – when in Spain do as the Spanish do – it’s certainly what we have for breakfast when we are there, with lemons picked fresh from the trees!

Easter is just around the corner but it is not too late to restock your cupboards, or how about buying a delicious bottle of Fino Extra Virgin Olive Oil or Fino Balsamic as an Easter pressie.  To tempt you, until midnight on 22nd March I am offering 20% off all full price products (excludes multi buys of tins) – orders go out on a next day delivery service so will be with you before easter – just enter EASTER as the coupon code to take advantage of this fab offer for the next 4 days only – www.finooliveoil.co.uk/shop –  it might be worth it particularly if you want to try these recipes.

Trout Fillet with Rocket and Broad Bean, Edamame and Pea Mash – serves 2

Ingredients – 2 trout fillets, 250g broad bean, edamame, pea mix (frozen is fine), 70g rocket, 1 large lemon, Fino extra virgin olive oil, sea salt and black pepper

Place the broad beans, edamame beans and peas in a saucepan of water and bring to the boil – simmer for 3 or 4 mins until cooked. Immediately drain, retaining the cooking water, and immerse the beans and peas in cold water for a minute. Drain. Put the bean and pea mixture into a whizzer along with the zest and juice of half the lemon, a glug of olive oil and some seasoning. Whizz to a mash. If it is too thick add a slug of the cooking water.

Meanwhile brush the trout fillets with olive oil and season with sea salt and black pepper. Gently pan fry for about 3 mins on each side or until cooked to your liking. Top with remaining lemon zest when cooked.

Toss the rocket in Fino olive oil, the remaining lemon juice and sea salt and serve immediately.

Lemon and Rosemary Olive Oil Cake

These are the quantities I used but it has made a rather big cake – it’s lucky my brother loves it so much!!

Ingredients – 160ml extra virgin olive oil, 2 eggs, 60ml freshly squeezed lemon juice, 1 tbsp lemon zest, 3 tsp chopped rosemary (or more if you want), ½ tsp vanilla paste, 150g greek yogurt, 300g sugar, 400g self raising flour, 1 tsp sea salt, icing sugar and freshly squeezed lemon juice for icing.

Heat the oven to 180C – grease a cake tin – I used a 9” tin with these quantities – combine the olive oil, eggs, lemon juice and zest, rosemary, vanilla paste, yogurt and sugar and whisk until smooth. Then gradually fold in the flour and salt using a wooden spoon. Pour into the cake tin and bake for 40 mins. Remove from the tin and cool, then drizzle with icing.

Very happy easter


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