Adios Manolos

In September 2003 we set off on an adventure of a lifetime when we headed to Andalucia with 3 youngish children and 2 dogs.  Reflecting on all we have achieved and learnt, all the experiences we have had, and all the fun times and the memories that we have gained as a result of the adventure I do feel hugely proud and very lucky.

Many things come to an end and we have now agreed a sale on our Spanish house, but other things continue and it's certainly no change at Fino. What a great thing to have gained from the adventure - quite apart from the fact that we all love the olive oil, it is such a great way to continue to be a part of the village which has been such a big part of our lives for the past 13 years.

Rupert and I spent our last weekend at the house a couple of weeks ago, and the children are on their way there right now for one final fling! No doubt they will eat lots of delicious Spanish food washed down with copious amounts of Spanish wine!  I am quite sure there will be a trip to The Covered Market in Malaga which is one of my favourite places to go for foodie inspiration - there is such an huge range of delicious fresh fruit, veg, meat, fish and cheeses, and the displays are so beautiful.

I think these recipes sound quite inspiring - Baked Lemon and Rosemary Cod with JamonBalsamic Asparagus and Cherry Tomatoes and Slow Roasted Tomatoes and Rocket

Baked Lemon and Rosemary Cod with Jamon - for 2

2 large fillets of cod, 2 large slices jamon (prosciutto), olive oil, 1 lemon (zest and juice), sprig of rosemary

Mix juice and zest of the lemon with chopped rosemary and olive oil and brush over cod fillets - lay slices of jamon on a board and place one cod fillet on each slice - wrap jamon around the cod and place on a baking tray - pour the remaining juice mixture on top and season - bake in the oven at 180 for about 15 mins. Serve with new potatoes and crunchy green beans.

Balsamic Asparagus and Cherry Tomatoes

Put the asparagus and cherry tomatoes in a baking dish and drizzle with olive oil, a slug of balsamic and sea salt. Oven bake at 180 for 20 mins. Serve topped with crumbled feta.

Slow Roasted Tomatoes and Rocket

Halve tomatoes and place on a baking tray cut side up - drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper and chopped oregano.  Slow roast for 2-3 hours at a low heat (120).  Once cooked add tomatoes to a plate of rocket and drizzle with olive oil and balsamic and sprinkle with toasted nuts.

So it's business as usual - www.finooliveoil.co.uk - I await a flood of orders!

Happy weekend


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