I am gutted that the one Christmas fair that I still had in the diary, which was due to be happening today and tomorrow, like all the others has obviously now had to be cancelled, and I was so looking forward to getting out and seeing some customers, and to getting some christmas shopping done while I was there! 

So now it's all about shopping from the comfort of your own home, and shopping with small independents like me is appreciated more than ever right now. If you are looking for stocking fillers then our small 250ml bottles of olive oil and balsamic, or our savoury jams could be perfect - consumable is a good way to go, and starting from £6 they hopefully won't break the bank either. If you are needing something sent direct then we can happily do that for you too - just get in touch and I will happily do what I can to help. 


Still championing small independents, we have teamed up with the lovely @polkadotparsley and @onlinechristmasfair to offer you a chance to win this beautiful Polkadot Parsley flan dish along with a bottle of our delicious Fino Olive Oil and a bottle of our Great Taste Award winning Fino White Balsamic - head to my Instagram page @fino_oliveoil to enter and we will announce the lucky winner at 9pm on Monday - it could be an early christmas present.


Despite lockdown I do hope the you are managing to get out in the fresh air - it is continuing to be so unbelieveably mild so walking the dogs is heaven, and I feel so inspired by all the autumn colours everywhere. This SQUASH, SWEET POTATO AND BLUE CHEESE TART is the perfect autumn picture and I hope you agree it looks particularly special in the Polkadot Parsley flan dish! 

Please do remember that you can support any of the virtual charity fairs I am involved in just by entering the relevant code in the box at checkout and 10% of your purchase will go to the charity. 

Do get in touch if I can help with anything and stay safe and well

Susie x

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