We're upping our game here at Fino - with the help of some capable young things, and with my amazing daughter Emily at the helm.

We're upping our game here at Fino - with the help of some capable young things, and with my amazing daughter Emily at the helm, I am having a new website built and yesterday was photoshoot day! It was very full on, and completely exhausting (I was only a bystander), but it was great fun and having had a quick peek at some of the results I am really excited. The photo above is clearly not a professional one - it's a "Susie shot" taken on my phone, but it won't be long now and the new website will be up and running and ready to share with you with some great pics.

I am so resistant to change, in fact I am quite scared of it, so I have not really engaged with social media over the last few years in the way that many businesses have - I have continued doing the same old thing (which won't change because it's my way!)  and my business has kept growing slowly which is great - it means so much to me that I know so many of my customers, and that they know me, and I'm so grateful that so many of you are regulars. Much of the "knowing" bit is due to the fairs that I have done for so many years, but this strange time that we are living through at the moment sadly means that fairs are just not going to happen this year. For now we are definitely operating online, and I need to up my game on that - I will be posting snippets of news, recipes, and offers on Instagram and Facebook so, if you feel like it I would love you to follow me (just click the links). One thing won't change though - I will most definitely continue to be here for all of my customers - without you there is no Fino.

Last week we were in beautiful St Mawes which was heaven and we were quite lucky with the weather too. It's slightly different this weekend - our plans have certainly been scuppered by the rain, although I know we did need it. We were meant to be having a family camping weekend for mummy's birthday so now we are going to do some indoor camping instead!

Also, because it has been so unbelievably hot I had planned to share a recipe for something cool and refreshing, and I had a particular chilled soup in mind which I made yesterday (and we had for lunch during the photoshoot). Now it's raining I have changed my mind and am sharing a different soup which is just as delicious hot or chilled - the other one I will share at another point. 


Good glug of EV olive oil, 2 stalk celery, 1  onion, 1 clove garlic, 1 litre vegetable stock, 400g peas (frozen are fine), large handful of fresh mint, salt and pepper

Pour a good glug of EV olive oil into a large pan and place over a gentle heat. Chop the celery, onion and garlic and add to the olive oil and sauté, stirring occasionally. After 5 mins turn the heat up and then add the stock and the peas and bring to the boil. Once boiling reduce the heat and leave to simmer for about 10 mins with a lid on. At this point add the mint leaves and seasoning before blending until smooth. Can be served hot or chilled, either way garnish with a sprig of fresh mint. I am serving it here in my lovely new birthday mugs!

If you're sitting inside watching the rain this weekend and feel tempted to place an order just enter PEASOUP as the discount code to get 10% off (excludes tins). Offer open until the end of Monday but orders placed over the weekend will probably not be sent out until Tuesday as I am spending the day with Mummy on Monday as it's her birthday - we're both August babies!

Happy weekend

Susie x

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