I suppose it is good news but Fino has reached the point of having to become VAT registered - OUCH! 

Good news is that olive oil is zero rated but, strangely, balsamic vinegar is not.  Price changes will come into effect from the beginning of April 2014 so if you want to get ahead of this please get your order in before April 1st - www.finooliveoil.co.uk/shop 

On a more cheery note here's a really good (and pretty healthy) snack idea which a customer gave to me last week - she assured me it was delicious and having tried it out with each of the flavours this weekend I agree - I loved the basil, Emily's favourite was the garlic and, for those of you who know him, it will come as no surprise that Rupert's favourite was the chilli!

Popcorn flavoured with your favourite Fino olive oil - chilli, garlic, basil, lemon, rosemary or even orange!  Pop the corn (do this in a pan or even more easily in the microwave) and then drizzle with a small amount of flavoured Fino oilve oil - it is really good.

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