Did you know that you can make a candle from just an orange and olive oil – until this morning, I didn't - it’s so clever and so pretty too

Have a look at this link for a really interesting and simple idea - http://sfglo.be/nf - and no I am not necessarily advocating using Fino Olive Oil for this particular purpose but it does work because I used it!

Whilst passing on this useful little tip, I am also going to point you towards a new, very special single estate olive oil which I took delivery of earlier this month.

Maria and Juan's single cold pressed extra virgin olive oil is produced from the olives grown on their finca outside Casarabonela - Maria and Juan are the fantastic Spanish couple who look after our house for us when they are not growing and tending to their own fruit, vegetables and olives.  Sadly I don't have an endless supply of this delicious stuff, but If you like a fruity peppery oil then this is certainly one to buy - really recommended for salads or delicious dipping - not candles!  To buy go to www.finooliveoil.co.uk/shop/ and it's at the bottom of the page

Do remember if you need to replenish your stock of Fino olive oil or Fino balsamic vinegar just go to www.finooliveoil.co.uk and order online - your goodies will be sent to you direct.

Susie x

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