I wonder whether any of you, like me, find it harder to motivate oneself at this time of the year. I don’t find it hard to get out of bed and start the day, but even though I arguably have “more time” I often feel I don’t use that time as constructively as I would like to. The fair season is incredibly hard work but I get a real buzz from being out and about and seeing my customers - I also think the busier I am the more efficient I am at getting things done.

Something I really appreciate is having the time to enjoy cooking, as opposed to just having to cook. Eating well is such an important part of looking after oneself, especially so at this time of year, so being able to have the time to make good wholesome meals is very lucky. I’m certainly not suggesting it is because of my cooking (!!) but thankfully we have remained bug free so far this year, whilst I have heard of so many people who have been struck with one lurgy or another. I do hope you have managed to stay well.


This warming Chicken Tagine recipe is a great one for an easy supper – there are loads of delicious flavours going on making it super tasty, but it is really easy to make. There are a couple of ingredients which are not necessarily “store cupboard staples” but they are not difficult to find.

And one for Shrove Tuesday, although it's a good one at any time - I thought this Balsamic Red Onion and Cheddar Cheese Pancake sounded pretty good – I did a quick practice run and it was! Hope you might enjoy it too.

Savoury pancakes

Great news - yesterday I took delivery of three massive palets of new season olive oil, which could not have come soon enough as I was completely out of stock. I know they say women of my sort of age should really focus on lifting weights, although I am not sure this is what they are envisaging – I shifted 2000 litres of olive oil by myself - surely I must deserve a gold star!

The good news is that I do now have stock but unfortunately I have had to put up my prices. You may well have seen in the media how olive oil prices everywhere have sky rocketed – in the last 8 months alone they have gone up by 50% - I have not raised mine by anything close to that but I hate having to do it at all, so as a small gesture you can grab 10% off single tins this weekend using code FEB2024.

Thanks as always

Susie x

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