Spain would have given anything to have rain like we have had over the past few months, and if that had been the case then things would highly likely be very different re the price of olive oil. Two years of drought and soaring temperatures in the whole of the Mediterranean have been devastating for the olive crop, and the shortage is causing chaos. Somebody sent me this snippet from the paper a couple of weeks ago and I thought it would be interesting to share – whilst it doesn’t soften the blow of the higher prices it does show how very real the situation is, and it’s pretty shocking.

Olive oil has become the most stolen product in supermarkets across Spain, with organised criminalgangs targeting the “liquid gold” to resell on the hidden market, according to new figures. Supermarkets have begun chaining together large five-litre bottles of olive oil and padlocking them to shelves to prevent theft, while other stores are fitting the bottles with security tags that have to be removed by staff.

I am incredibly grateful to have a good stock of "liquid gold" for everyone at the moment, and long may it last.





Please let there be a little bit of sunshine here by the end of this week, or at least no rain - I am off to my first fair of the year and it would be so lovely if the weather was kind. For any of you who might be near Tisbury do come along to Clem’s Fair – there are always really exciting stalls. Next week I will be at The Watermill Theatre near Newbury for their Farmer’s Market, and then on 16th May I have a Garden Fair in Oxfordshire. Do check the FAIRS page on my website for all the info.





Asparagus is definitely a sign that spring is here, and this Pea, Spinach and Asparagus Risotto is yummy and simple and great to enjoy right now. Whilst the weather is so unpredictable, and the evenings are pretty chilly, risotto is the perfect warming and delicious supper, and is so easy. Once the sun decides to show its face then there's nothing better than oven roasted asparagus drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with rock salt. Yum yum!





By far the most exciting news for me is that I am about to go to Australia to see Emily. I still can’t quite believe I'm going as I only organized it a month ago, but I just had to grab the opportunity whilst I could – I’m really not looking forward to the flight but I can’t wait to get there, and to see where she has been living for the last 18 months. It will be amazing!

Consequently if I can urge you to check your stocks now and place any orders by 26th April that would be so helpful, and then I can make sure everything is dispatched before I leave. Orders will be processed while I am away but they may take slightly longer than normal. You can use SYDNEY at the checkout this weekend to get 10% off a number of items online. I would be so grateful.


Have a happy weekend


Susie x

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