A little hello from me as we head towards the end of January. As I write this on Thursday afternoon what I am actually thinking about is what is going to be the right time to ring and say happy birthday to Emily whose birthday is January 24th. Many of you know that Em lives in Australia, and after two years the time difference still throws me, and I am clearly not the only one. I had a text from Eliza this morning (Thursday morning) saying “Is it Emily’s birthday today?” to which I responded “It will be tonight!” - general confusion I think.
All that matters is that Emily has a lovely birthday, and by the time you are reading this I am quite sure that will be the case and we will definitely have spoken to her. I am sure it will be an extra special birthday because Ben is out there with her at the moment which is so lovely, and right now they and some friends are driving The Great Ocean Road along the south eastern coast of Australia for a few days. A pretty cool way to celebrate in the sunshine, and there’s a bonus bank holiday on Monday for Australia Day too. Have the best time guys, and happy happy birthday gorgeous Em.
Birthdays call for cake and even though we are not with Em I reckon her birthday is a very good excuse to celebrate (and eat cake) anyway! This one is a take on the Orange Olive Oil Cake which has been on my website for some time but this Blood Orange Upside Down Cake is particularly good for a January birthday as it uses blood oranges for decoration and they are in season right now. The "upside down" is quite appropriate too with Australia being the opposite side of the world!
A reminder that the delicious new season olive oil arrived with us a couple of weeks ago and is ready and waiting for you. Use code HAPPYBIRTHDAY to get 10% off that and across the majority of the website this weekend (excludes multiples of tins).
Happy weekend and enjoy the cake!
Susie x