Winter Warmers and 15% off - December 2017

Winter is now officially here, and when I see the lights on this house each year I know that Christmas not that far away. They never fail to make me smile so I had to share them with you!

I hope for your sakes that many of you are more organised than me – it always amazes me that I am at Christmas fairs solidly for 3 months in the run up, yet I still get to the week before Christmas and think HELP! If you are still looking for inspiration then maybe a Fino something might be just the ticket – food is always a winner so do have a look .

Black Friday might not have happened at Fino HQ, but between now and 15th December all orders over £25 (excluding postage) will get 10% off - last orders for pre Christmas delivery by Wednesday 20th December please. 

As well as individual Fino bottles, tins and jars there are various Fino gift options - https://finooliveoil.co.uk/collections/all-products/gift-boxes – or if you have something specific in mind then please do get in touch – susie@finooliveoil.co.ukor 07909 736144. I can happily send direct to the recipient with a Christmas message if that works best for you.

Many of you are very kind and tell me you enjoy the recipes I send ..... probably because they are all so simple. Here are three easy winter warmers - maybe they will come in useful over christmas!

Spanish Mushrooms

3 tbsps Fino olive oil, 1⁄2lb mushrooms chopped, 4 garlic cloves chopped, 2 tsps lemon juice, 2 tsps Fino dark balsamic or Fino Arrope, 1⁄4 cup  vegetable stock, 1/2 tsp smoked paprika, 1⁄4 tsp chilli flakes, salt and peeper to taste - 1 tbsp  flat leaf parsley to garnish

In a sautè pan, heat the olive oil until hot but not smoking. Sautè the garlic for about 1 minute, being careful not to burn! Add the mushrooms and cook 1 minute. Add the remaining ingredients except for the parsley and simmer for 2 minutes. Garnish with the fresh parsley and serve immediately. Serve with lemon slices. Heaven is these mushrooms scooped up with crusty bread!

Parsnip and Apple Soup

Olive oil, 8oz chopped onion, 2 cloves chopped garlic, 1tsp ground nutmeg, 2 lbs parsnips peeled and chopped, 12oz apples peeled and sliced, vegetable stock, salt and pepper,  few leaves finely chopped fresh sage

Gently heat olive oil in a large pan and add the onion, garlic and nutmeg - sauté for 5-10 minutes until softened. Add the parsnips and the apples and sauté for another 5-10 minutes. Dissolve stock cube in boiling water and add to the pan. Cover the pan and bring to the boil. Add enough additional water to cover the vegetables and bring back to the boil. Simmer gently for 20 minutes or until the parsnips and apples are softened. Remove the pan from the heat and leave to cool slightly, then blitz with a stick blender until the mixture is perfectly smooth. Add enough water to achieve a smooth consistency and season with salt and pepper. Warm a glug of olive oil in a small pan over a medium heat, add chopped sage and continue to warm through until the sage begins to sizzle. Remove from the heat and leave to cool. Drizzle the oil over the soup when you serve.

Oven Baked Camembert - not original but so delicious!

Whole camembert, fresh rosemary, olive oil

Preheat oven to 350F. Remove camembert from plastic and put back into it's wooden box if that's what it came in, or put into a ceramic dish. Score the top in a crisscross pattern. Place on a baking sheet. Sprinkle sprigs of rosemary over the top of the cheese and drizzle with olive oil. Bake for 15 minutes until gooey.   Use fresh baguette or vegetable sticks for dunking!

To get 10% off on orders over £25 (excluding postage) please do act before 15th December - just add DECEMBER2017 as the discount code.

Thank you for being great customers in 2017 - don't stop!

Very happy christmas to you all. 


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