How lucky it is that, despite the strange times we are living through at the moment, Spring is springing, the sun is shining and the skies are blue. It will come as no surprise that the highlight of my day is my dog walk, and there is no question that Bert and Billie are loving the fact that they are never home alone! I am so lucky to have them, and my immediate family with me – I am so thinking of those of you whose situations are different.

With all of us confined to our homes at the moment one thing is for sure, producing food is pretty high on the list. Not only are there mouths to be fed, but cooking can be such a great way to spend time, and hopefully with delicious results too. I have always found it incredibly satisfying producing a meal from what appears to be a fairly empty fridge (which could come in useful!) Many of us have got used to elaborate cooking, and that can be great, but actually it doesn’t need to be like that. As a child I so remember Daddy doing Baked Eggs in the Aga, and they were the best. All you need is an egg and a tiny bit of butter (or you could use a tiny drizzle of olive oil as I have in this one) – so simple.

Here’s another incredibly simple idea – Courgette Carpaccio – all you need is a courgette (one honestly goes a long way), a drizzle of olive oil and salt and pepper. Using a potato peeler shave the courgette into paper thin slices – lay them on a plate, drizzle with olive oil and season. If you have some parmesan then you can shave some of that on top – it’s honestly delicious.

If you are in need of Olive Oil, Balsamic, or Chilli or Chorizo Jam then I am here. I have plenty of stock, and as long as the wonderful delivery companies are able to keep working, I am sending out orders every day as normal - deliveries will be left outside your door with no signature required. You can order anything online at www.finooliveoil.co.uk, or do feel free to call me on 07909 736144. 

Keep safe all of you

Susie x

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