In February we spent a couple of days in sunny Spain doing some house stuff, a bit of gardening and having a bit of R&R. More importantly we were able to have our first taste of this year’s harvest, a quota of which is about to head back to the UK and will be with me in the middle of March.  To order anything you can either go to www.finooliveoil.co.uk - the new olive oil will be online as soon as it arrives with me, or alternatively if you want to preorder do email me and I will contact you as soon as it is here.

As always the incredibly popular Village Oil is delicious - I continue to have it in 4 different sizes - 250ml, 500ml, 1 litre and the 2.5 litre tins. In addition, I have again managed to get a small quota of Maria and Juan’s Single Estate Oil  which I will be doing in 500ml and 1 litre bottles - in my opinion it has a delicious grassy flavour - I'm not sure if that's an appealing way to describe it or not but it is really good! - I managed to sneak the tiniest bottle back with me in my hand luggage and am eeking it out until the lorry arrives in a couple of weeks! I am also replenishing stocks of both Dark Balsamic and White Balsamic which continue to be available in 250ml and 500ml bottles. With this new delivery on the way I really do need to make some space in global HQ - to entice you a number of products are discounted for the next 10 days –  to take advantage of this offer, and help me at the same time, visit www.finooliveoil.co.uk/shop

Last week I visited York which is something I have been wanting to do for some time.  One of the reasons I was keen to go was to try out a tapas restaurant which has been a client of mine for a number of years now - it is a great little place called Ambiente Tapas (www.ambiente-tapas.co.uk), ideally located right next to the incredibly beautiful York Minster and the food and wine was delicious.  Do pay a visit if you are ever there.  We ordered a number of "tapas" but our favourite was a vegetarian dish called Judias Verde (Spanish for Green Beans!) – we loved it so much we had to go for seconds - here is an slightly adapted version of the recipe for you to try.



400g green beans (top and tailed & 1/2), 20g pine nuts, 40g sun dried or sun blushed tomato ( if sun dried soak in warm water first), 2 garlic cloves (crushed & diced), olive oil, seasoning


Gently heat the olive oil in a pan and add the green beans - lightly fry for a couple of minutes, tossing occasionally.  Add in the tomatoes, garlic & pine nuts & cook for another couple of minutes on a low heat. The green beans should just start to colour & wrinkle slightly.  Season to taste and serve.

No doubt a number of you will have noticed that this newsletter is in a slightly different format to those before.  This is because, at last, the new website is up and running!  To visit the site go to  www.finoooliveoil.co.uk.  It is not so different and I hope you like it but, most importantly, I hope you find it easy to use.  I will happily welcome any feedback.

Susie x

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