These geraniums outside Fino HQ are loving the weather and so should you – it is not the time to be spending hours sitting at a computer or fiddling about in the kitchen, so really really quickly here are two very simple foodie ideas which you can enjoy whilst eating out in the sunshine.

Kale Crisps

Kale is healthy so I am sure these must be healthy. For a home made version of crisps simply put a single layer of chopped kale on a baking tray and drizzle with delicious olive oil and sprinkle with rock salt.  For a slight “lift” squeeze on the juice of half a lemon, or for a spicy version use Fino chilli oil.  Oven bake for about 10 mins at 180C but do keep an eye on it so it doesn’t burn.  Very moreish!

Parmesan and Caper Crunch

The other day a friend of mine gave me a fantastic salad for lunch which was topped with the most delicious crumbly mixture – this “crunch” tasted divine but it also added great texture! Do try it as it is really easy – you can put it on top of salad, or anything else for that matter.

40g breadcrumbs

2 tbsp olive oil

2 tbsp capers

40 g grated parmesan

Mix all the ingredients together and pour into a thin layer on a baking tray. Cook at 180C for 10 mins – take out and stir – then bake for another 5 mins until golden. Sprinkle on top of salad or fish or meat.

If you would like to order any Fino goodies just click here - http://finooliveoil.co.uk/product-category/all-fino-products/.  Orders are despatched on a next day delivery service Mon-Fri - because of the bank holiday orders placed over the weekend will be with you in the middle of next week.

Have a fantastic long weekend in the sun!


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