At the end of January Emily, our eldest, left to go travelling in South America. Her first stop was Brazil so at the time, inspired by this, I sent out a Fino newsletter with a recipe for Brazilian Fish Stew. Six months later, 18 countries later, Emily has reached Central America and is now in Mexico. She has had the most amazing time, visited incredible places, met great people and is now coming home two weeks earlier than planned and arriving on Monday which is so exciting!

With technology as it is today we have been able to keep fairly well in touch with her whilst she has been away. She has also been writing a great blog keeping friends and family updated on her whereabouts, and what she has been up to – it has been so interesting reading about her adventures, and seeing a few of her photos as she has gone along – I am sure there would be so much we would miss out on if it was all left until she came home, and for her the blog will always be a memory of her adventures. But however ‘in touch’ we have been able to be, it will be amazing just to see her and have her back at home.

I have been in global HQ (my shed in the garden) constantly for the last few weeks and have been bottling and labelling like mad so there is masses of stock and although the rain last weekend had us fooled, we are actually in the summer so do make sure your stocks of Fino Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar are replenished for delicious salads to have with all those BBQ’s.  Order online at www.finooliveoil.co.uk for next day delivery - all orders received before I leave for the airport on Monday will receive an extra little something!

Like the inspiration for the Brazilian recipe in January, this recipe for Mexican Baked Fish with Chilli and Lime is inspired by the final country of Emily's trip. It sounds so delicious.

Mexican Baked Fish with Chilli and Lime


4 x 180g thick white fish fillets, ½ tsp salt, 1 tbsp lime juice, 2 tbsp olive oil, 1 onion finely sliced, 1 garlic clove finely sliced, 400g fresh or tinned chopped tomatoes, 1 red pepper cut into strips, 150ml water, sea salt and pepper, 1 tsp sugar, 2 tbsp lime juice, 10 pitted green olives, 1 tbsp capers, 1 fresh sliced green chilli, fresh coriander for serving


Rub the salt and lime juice into the fish fillets and set aside for 10 mins. Heat the oven to 200C. Heat the oil in a frying pan, and cook the onion for 10 mins until soft and pale. Add the garlic and cook for 1 minute. Add the tomatoes, red pepper, water, salt, pepper, sugar, lime juice, olives, capers and chilli then cook for 10 mins. Heat 1 tbsp extra olive oil in a frying pan and sear the fish over high heat for 1 minute. Place in an oiled baking pan and spoon the sauce on top. Bake for 15 mins or more, depending on thickness. Scatter with coriander and serve with rice.

I look forward to hearing from you.


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