The hedgerows are full of blackberries and that makes me think of two things .. delicious apple and blackberry crumble, and a fast approaching fair season! Either way it makes me smile - scrummy food, and familiar faces and catching up with friends. I'm looking forward to both.





We have had a very English summer - we have mainly been at home, but we had a long weekend glamping "en famille" in the amazing Brecon Beacons National Park which was really special, and we have just had a heavenly few days staying with friends near the coast on the Devon/Cornwall border. Such a beautiful area with stunning beaches and not too crowded - it reminded me of my childhood summers which were all spent on the North Devon coast where my grandparents lived. I have such happy memories of sandcastles, rock pools, surfing, hunting for cowrie shells, playing croquet, games of cards in the evening .. and of course cream teas!

On Tuesday, before heading home, we went to Tavistock where Rupert was playing cricket. It was one of the most amazing pitches I have ever been to, perched on the top of the hill above the town, actually inside the Dartmoor National Park, with sheep and sweet little Dartmoor ponies wandering around with no boundaries, including over the pitch! It was brilliant watching the groundsmen trying to shoo them off the pitch before the game started, but they certainly left their mark! The views were stunning in every direction so it was a joy to be there even if it was very exposed and there was a biting wind. I'm glad to report that Rupert was top scorer getting 77 - I was very proud.




It is literally just over two weeks now until my fairs begin - as always you can find all the details of my whereabouts over the next few months, and the specifics of each fair on the website, but in case I can tempt you here's a snapshot of the September ones  ...
On 10th September I will be at a fab House Sale near Farnham, Surrey - lovely stalls and coffee and Malteser Cake too!
On Friday 20th September I am at a fair at St Peter's Church, Ropley, Hampshire which I am really looking forward to.
Then on 24th/25th September the ENL Autumn Fair (formerly the Early Early Christmas Fair) at Tedworth House, Wiltshire, where this year there is even more on offer than before with inspirational talks, delicious food and drink as well as the wonderful shopping.  If you are tempted by the talks then it is worth pre-booking tickets which are available now.
All are welcome at any of the fairs - please do come along and support if you are able.



Here's a little bank holiday bonus and something to make you smile - use code BLACKBERRIES to get 10% off until the end of the bank holiday weekend (offer excludes tins of olive oil).
Have a good one.
Susie x
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